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A Comparison of Hearing Assistance Technologies
Navigating Hearing Assistance Technologies in Churches As a house of worship, the successful communication of your message is crucial for...

Building for Ministry Seminar: A Guide to Constructing Worship Spaces with Vanman
Vanman Architects & Builders of Minneapolis will be hosting their annual church building seminar on September 21 at Scheels's Eden...

Stage Light Basics: Creating a Smooth Front Wash
In a contemporary worship setting, stage lights have dual roles: they illuminate pastors and musicians while also enhancing the stage's...

THOR AV: Intro to Headworn Mics
Using a headset microphone can enhance performances and engage audiences with clear and professional sound. Our friends at THOR:AVE,...

LED Wall Panel Glossary
When evaluating an LED Wall for your church, venue, conference, or corporate install, there are many terms that might be unfamiliar. This...

Top 5 Reasons Lean Projects Fail
This blog post is reprinted here with the permission of technology consultant Andrew Ranson and applies equally well to church teams and...

Breaking the Church Upgrade Cycle
With best intentions, church leadership often falls into a destructive upgrade cycle.
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